WebApI in ASP.NET MVC using Razor Example | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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It is a framework that can serve on Http and broad range of clients like Mobile, Tablet and browsers.It is ideal platform to create REST full services on .NET framework.

Web API output can be in XML or in JSON format.


Step 1. Create Project with WEBAPI template.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Net;

using System.Net.Http;

using System.Web.Http;


namespace WEBAPI.Controllers


    public class ValuesController : ApiController


        // GET api/values


     private static  List items = new List { "item1", "item2", "item3", "item4" };

        public IEnumerable GetList()


            return items;



        // GET api/values/5

        public string GetItem(int id)


            return items[id];



        // POST api/values

        public List Post(string value)



            return items;


         // PUT api/values/5

        public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)




        // DELETE api/values/5

        public List Delete(int id)



            return items;




Step 2: Create Action in Home Controller

  public ActionResult WebApiDemo()

        {            return View();         }

Step 3: Attach View with above controller


    ViewBag.Title = "WebApiDemo";






    @section scripts { @*@Scripts.Render(“~/bundles/jquery”);*@ }

    Step 5: Run and See Out put


    How to perform CRUD in EF using Web API:


    Step 1: First create two table employee and department table in database.

    Step 2: Install Entity framework.

    Step 3: Create edmx file and take department and employee table.

    Step 4. Create Web API controller with read write scaffolding option.

    Step 5: Now run and see output of API Controller(Employee)

    Step 6: Add a action in previously created home controller and attach a view.

      public ActionResult EmpDemo()        {       
        return View(); 
    Step: 7 Write following code at EmpDemo.cshtml
        ViewBag.Title = "EmpDemo";



    All Employees



      Add Employee

      Name :
      Dateof Join
      @section scripts { }

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