View Model:
Some Question are emerge which are following
- Where I should put my presentation logic
- Where I should put my Data transmission logic
- How I can create a view with multiple models.
Practical Implementation:
Step 1: Create Two Model Classes( Employee.cs and User.cs)
namespace ViewModel.Models { public class Employee { public string EmployeeName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public DateTime DataofBirth { get; set; } public int Salary { get; set; } } } namespace ViewModel.Models { public class User { public string UserName { get; set; } } }
Step 2: Create a controller names Employee
public class EmployeeController : Controller { // // GET: /Employee/ public ActionResult Index() { Employee emp = GetEmployee(); ViewBag.CurrentUser = GetUserName(); return View(emp); } public User GetUserName() { User u = new User(); u.UserName = "Yogesh"; return u; } private Employee GetEmployee() { Employee e = new Employee(); e.EmployeeName = "Ganesha"; e.Address = "Pratap Nagar"; e.DataofBirth = new DateTime(1983, 4, 3); e.Salary = 10000; return e; } }
Step 3. Add Index(Index.cshtml) View
@model ViewModel.Models.Employee @{ Layout = null; }
ViewModel.Models.User CurrentUser = ViewBag.CurrentUser;
Employee Details
int age = DateTime.Now.Year – Model.DataofBirth.Year;
if (Model.Salary>20000)
Step 4. Run the Program and See the output
Step5 . Now We will create View Model
Create a Class (EmployeeVM) into Models folder and write following Code
namespace ViewModel.Models { public class EmployeeVM { public Employee emp { get; set; } public User userobj { get; set; } public EmployeeVM(Employee e1, User u2) { emp = e1; userobj = u2; } public int Age { get { int age = DateTime.Now.Year - emp.DataofBirth.Year; if(emp.DataofBirth>DateTime.Now.AddYears(-age)) { age--; } return age; } } public string SalaryColor { get { if(emp.Salary>20000) { return "Orange"; } else { return "Red"; } } } } }
Step 6: Make changes in Employee Controller as following
namespace ViewModel.Controllers { public class EmployeeController : Controller { // // GET: /Employee/ public ActionResult Index() { Employee emp = GetEmployee(); //ViewBag.CurrentUser = GetUserName(); User CurrentUser = GetUserName(); EmployeeVM empobj = new EmployeeVM(emp, CurrentUser); //return View(emp); return View(empobj); } public User GetUserName() { User u = new User(); u.UserName = "Yogesh"; return u; } private Employee GetEmployee() { Employee e = new Employee(); e.EmployeeName = "Ganesha"; e.Address = "Pratap Nagar"; e.DataofBirth = new DateTime(1983, 4, 3); e.Salary = 10000; return e; } } }
Step 7 Make Changes in Index.cshtml
@*@model ViewModel.Models.Employee*@ @model ViewModel.Models.EmployeeVM @{ Layout = null; }
ViewModel.Models.User CurrentUser = ViewBag.CurrentUser;
Employee Details
int age = DateTime.Now.Year – Model.DataofBirth.Year;
if (Model.Salary>20000)
Step 8 : Now Run and Execute the program and see the results.