Inline HTML Helper at Advanced Level | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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Inline HTML Helper at Advanced Level

Example1: Simple Example of Inline HTML Helper

Controller Action

   public ActionResult InlineHTMLHelper()
            return View();


    @helper mylist(string[] arr)
        foreach (string data in arr)
@mylist(new string[] { "Yogesh","Vikas","Harsh" })

Example 2:

Step1: Create a folder(CustomClasses) and Employee Class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

namespace testCode.CustomClasses
    public class Employee
        public int empid;
        public string empname; 

Step2: Action

public ActionResult InlineHTMLHelper()
            return View();

Step 3: View

@using testCode.CustomClasses
          @helper mylist1(List<Employee> arr)
              foreach (Employee data in arr)

@mylist1(new List<Employee> { new Employee { empid = 1, empname = "Yogesh" }, new Employee { empid = 2, empname = "Vikas" } })