Strongly typed html helpers are introduced in MVC 2. In this kind of helpers we can generate html markup or view using model properties and lambda expression. These methods use a “Html.HelperNameFor()” naming convention. for example we have created model property like public string username{get;set;} We can create text box for username property in following way
HTML Element Helpers:
- Html.TextBoxFor()
- Html.TextAreaFor()
- Html.DropDownListFor()
- Html.CheckboxFor()
- Html.RadioButtonFor()
- Html.ListBoxFor()
- Html.PasswordFor()
- Html.HiddenFor()
- Html.LabelFor()
Lets take an example where we are creating a registration form and going to show filled values on the same view.
Step1. Open VisualStudio=>Create New Project->Select Web in Visual C#-> web application->Select Empty and check MVC Checkbox
Step 2: Create a model “Employee.cs”
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace StateManagement.Models { public class Employee { public int EmployeeId { get; set; } public string EmployeeName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public string state { get; set; } public string[] hobbies { get; set; } } }
Step3: Create New Controller “Student”
Step 4: CReate new action strongly.
public ActionResult Strongly() { return View(); }
Step 5: Add View and pass model reference into newly created view.
@model StateManagement.Models.Employee @{ Layout = null; } @helper getall(string[] args) {
@foreach (var item in args)
- @item }
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.EmployeeName)
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Address)
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.state, new SelectList(new[] { "Raj", "UP", "MP" }))
@Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.hobbies, new MultiSelectList(new[] { "Reading", "Writing", "Internet" }))
@ViewBag.State} }
In above code I created a simple registration form where I have taken dropdown and listbox also.I listbox we are taking hobbies from user and user can select multiple properties.
if block(if (@ViewBag.EmployeeId != null)) will work only after data submitted by end user and it is showing the filled values.
Step 6 : Now Write following code into student controller.
[HttpPost] public ActionResult Strongly(Employee empobj) { ViewBag.EmployeeId = empobj.EmployeeId; ViewBag.EmployeeName = empobj.EmployeeName; ViewBag.Address = empobj.Address; ViewBag.state = empobj.state; ViewBag.hobbies =(string[])empobj.hobbies; return View(); }
Now run and execute above code .