angular 4 data binding | example | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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Angular 4 Two Way Data Binding

  • Two-way data binding uses the ngModel directive, which is included in FormsModule.
  • Bidirectional data flow(1. From form control to component property. 2 From Component property to Form Control)
  • Two-way data binding is represented by [(ngModel)]
  • It is binding on event and property together.

Example : 

Step 1 : Create new Component.

ng g c bindingtwoway –flat –is –it

Step2: Write Following code in bindingtwoway.component.ts

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-bindingtwoway',
  template: `
      bindingtwoway Works!
    <input [(ngModel)]="title"/>
    <input [(ngModel)]="title"/>
    <p>{{ title }}</p>
  styles: []
export class BindingtwowayComponent implements OnInit {

  title = '';
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {


Step 3: Add selector of newly created component into app.component.html


Step 4: Run using ng serve –open
