It is officially introduced in March , 2017.
It is just introduced after angular 2.
Angular 3 was not introduced by google due to some version conflicts.
Angular 5 may be introduced in month of Sep/Oct 2017.
New Features of Angular 4
Reduced Complition process due to improvment of View Engine – Compilation done at build time.
animation code from @angular/core has been removed,if we require this we have to add another angularpackage named @angular /platform-browser/animations.
Ng if and ng for have some improvement like ng-if now have else part.
<div *ngIf=“users.length > 0; else empty”><h2>Students</h2></div> <ng-template #empty><h2>No Students.</h2></ng-template>
TypeScript 2.1 and 2.2 compatibility that impove speed of code execution- followed rules of ES6.
A new validator named email is also added to
validate email.
Note: required, minLength, maxLength and pattern are old validators supported by angular older versions.
oAngular Universal :Universal, the project that allows developers to run Angular on a server, is now up to date with Angular again.
It’s a amazing tutorial Yogesh g . please keep it . thanks you .