ngStyle in angular with example | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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With the NgStyle directive, you can set a given DOM element CSS properties from Angular expressions. The simplest way to use this directive is by doing [style.]=”value”. For example:

<div [style.background-color]="'yellow'">
  Uses fixed yellow background

This snippet is using the NgStyle directive to set the background-color CSS property to the literal string ‘yellow’. Another way to set fixed values is by using the NgStyle attribute and using key-value pairs for each property you want to set, like this:

  <div [ngStyle]="{color:'red','background-color':'black'}">
This is ng Style example


Note: Notice that in the ng-style specification we have single quotes around background-color but not around color. Why is that? Well, the argument to ng-style is a Javascript object and color is a valid key, without quotes. With background-color, however, the dash character isn’t allowed in an object key, unless it’s a string so we have to quote it. Generally, I’d leave out quoting as much as possible in object keys and only quote keys when we have to.

Example :

Step1: Create new component and add following code

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-styleex',
  templateUrl: './styleex.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./styleex.component.css']
export class StyleexComponent implements OnInit {
mycolor: string;
mybackgroundcolor: string;
  constructor() {

  this.mycolor ='blue';
  this.mybackgroundcolor ='red';

  ngOnInit() {
  change(val1, val2)
    this.mycolor =val1;
    this.mybackgroundcolor =val2;
    return { color: 'yellow' , 'background-color':'orange' };


Step2: Add following code into html

  styleex works!
<div [style.background-color]="'yellow'">
  Uses fixed yellow background
  <!-- <div [ngStyle]="{color:'red','background-color':'black'}">
This is ng Style example

   </div> -->
   <div [ngStyle]="{color : mycolor , 'background-color':mybackgroundcolor}">
This is Dynamic Div

   <!-- Use ngStyle using method Start -->
   <div [ngStyle]="method()">this div style are generated using method</div>
     <!-- Use ngStyle using method End -->
Font Color: <input type="text" #txt1 /> <br/>
background Color <input type="text" #txt2 /> <br/>
<button (click)="change(txt1.value, txt2.value)">Change Style</button>


Step3: Add reference of newly generated component and run program.


ngStyle example output