Ordering Operators in linq C# | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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Ordering Operators in linq C#

These operators return same number of output elements as input elements in sorted form.


This operator sort input elements as per given key. For example we have a employee table which have a salary field now we want to get employee details in sorted form, means higher salary should come first and so on. Elements can be sort in ascending or descending.



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace LINQExample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Employee[] Employees = 
                new Employee {    Name = "Sugar", salary = 500 },
                new Employee { Name = "Egg", salary = 100 }, 
                new Employee { Name = "Milk", salary = 150 }, 
                new Employee { Name = "Flour", salary = 50 }, 
                new Employee { Name = "Butter", salary = 200 } };
            //sort elements as per salary
            IEnumerable<Employee> query = Employees.OrderBy(X => X.salary);
            //sort elements as per salary--Descending
            IEnumerable<Employee> query1 = Employees.OrderByDescending((X => X.salary));
            foreach (var Employee in query) 
                Console.WriteLine("Employee Name="+Employee.Name+" Salary="+Employee.salary); 
            //To get descending order output
            foreach (var Employee in query1)
                Console.WriteLine("Employee Name=" + Employee.Name + " Salary=" + Employee.salary);
    public class Employee
        public string Name;
        public int salary;





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