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Quantifier Operators in linq C#

Quantifier Operators in linq C#

Quantifier query operators’ works on only single input sequence and return single Boolean value. Contains  The Contains query operator evaluates the elements in the input sequence and returns true if a specified value exists.   using System; using...
Set Operators in LINQ C sharp with examples

Set Operators in LINQ C sharp with examples

Set Operators in LINQ C# Set operators take  two inputs , that can be array, list, collection etc and able to generate single output. Set query operators: Concat Union Distinct Intersect Except Let me discuss them one by one Concat As it names says all the words about...
Ordering Operators in linq C#

Ordering Operators in linq C#

Ordering Operators in linq C# These operators return same number of output elements as input elements in sorted form. OrderBy This operator sort input elements as per given key. For example we have a employee table which have a salary field now we want to get employee...