by Yogesh | Jun 30, 2016 | LINQ Tutorial
Quantifier query operators’ works on only single input sequence and return single Boolean value. Contains The Contains query operator evaluates the elements in the input sequence and returns true if a specified value exists. using System; using...
by Yogesh | Jun 29, 2016 | LINQ Tutorial
Set Operators in LINQ C# Set operators take two inputs , that can be array, list, collection etc and able to generate single output. Set query operators: Concat Union Distinct Intersect Except Let me discuss them one by one Concat As it names says all the words about...
by Yogesh | Jun 28, 2016 | LINQ Tutorial
Ordering Operators in linq C# These operators return same number of output elements as input elements in sorted form. OrderBy This operator sort input elements as per given key. For example we have a employee table which have a salary field now we want to get employee...