Mostly asked Angular Interview Questions | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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Mostly asked Angular Interview Questions

What is Angular?

Answer: Angular is a platform and framework for building single page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Built and maintained by Google, it is a complete solution for creating rich and dynamic web applications.

What are the key features of Angular?

Answer: Angular notable features

  1. Data Binding
  2. Dependency Injection
  3. Directives
  4. Components
  5. Services
  6. Modules
  7. Routing
  8. Forms

What is a Component in Angular?

Answer: It bundles together data, HTML, and logic. Every component has a template (HTML), a class (TypeScript) and styles (CSS)

What are Angular Directives?

Answer: Directives are classes that add further the behavior elements in your Angular applications. There are three types:

Aspects: Template Directives.

Structural Directives: Adjusts the DOM structure by adding or removing elements to/from the DOM (e.g.,*ngIf,*ngFor).

To summarize, all directives are separated into three categories depending on their purposes: Component Directives – are used to declare components, used with a template to define a view. They are exactly the same in terms of usage as Angular 1 directives. Structural Directives – add or remove elements, they are considered high-level change directives; e.g. if added – a template gets rendered (e.g., ngIf), if removed the element is removed from the DOM tree (e.g., ngHide); e.g., ngFor (repeat), ngSwitch (two-way binding); Attribute Directives – modify the appearance or behavior of an element (e.g., ngClass, ngStyle).

 Explain Angular Data Binding.

Answer: In Angular, the data binding is the process between the model and the view, such that changes in one are reflected in the other. There are four types:

{{ expression }}

Property Binding : [property] = expression

Event Binding: (event) = handler

Data Binding 양방향 : [(ngModel)]=”property”

Dependency Injection Basics in Angular

Answer: To which the answer is Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern to implement IoC (Inversion of Control). It enables Angular to inject dependencies into components and services instead of components and services instantiating them.

What are Angular Services?

Answer: Services are singleton object whose instances holds the data to be shared across components and methods. Usually used for logic that’s not tied to the view itself (e.g., getting data from a server). Angular’s DI system injects services into components.

How do you use Angular CLI for you?

Answer: Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool in Angular that automates the development process. It is used to initiate a new Angular project, generate components, services, and other artifacts, and to run commands for testing and deployment.

What are Angular Modules?

Answer: They organize an application into functional areas of functionality. Each module is defined with the NgModule decorator.

Explain Angular Routing.

Answer: The routing module in Angular is a module that allows you to navigate from one view to another. It also defines a mechanism for navigating a single-page application by mapping URLs to components. An application is configured with a set of route definitions in the RouterModule.

Extra Tips for Angular Interview Preparation

Deep Dive: Be ready for detailed questions on Angular lifecycle, observables and RxJS, forms (template-driven and reactive), and change detection.

Real-World Examples: Expect to write code or explain it; especially how to configure components, services and routing.

Project-based Discussion: Be prepared to discuss projects you’ve worked on and how you used Angular features to solve problems/implement functionality.

Once you go through these questions and concepts, you’ll be prepared for an Angular interview.