What is List:
- a built-in data structure available in Python
- a list of comma-separated values (items) between square brackets.
- It can contain heterogeneous values such as integers, floats, strings, tuples, lists, and dictionaries.
- Python lists are mutable; yes, they can change
- a = [ 1, 342, 2233423, ‘India’, ‘Fedora’]
- It works as a sequence
- Ex : a[0] result=>1
How to create a list:
- Creating a list
Syntax: <variable_name>= []
Example : List1 = []
Creating a list with value
Trainers= [‘yogesh’, ‘sharma’, ‘vikas’]
Slicing the list
<list_name>[start : stop : step]
list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]
Operation: list1[1:13:3]
Result: [2, 5, 8, 11]
Deleting values from a list
- By using the del keyword, you can delete a value or a slice of list from the list.
C_W_team = [‘hulk’, ‘iron-man’, ‘Captain-America’, ‘Thor’,”Vision”]
del C_W_team[0]
C_W_team [‘iron-man’, ‘Captain-America’, ‘Thor’, ‘Vision‘]
Unpacking List Values
- a,b = [10,20]
- You can assign a list value to variables by using the assignment operator.
List Operations:
- Updating the list:Lists are mutable, so the values of a list can be updated.
Syntax : ListName[index]=new_value
- Addition of Python lists:You can add two lists by using the + operator
Syntax : List3 = List1+List2
- Multiplication of lists :By using the * operator, you can perform multiplication of Python lists
syntax: List2 = List1*2
- in operator:You can use the in operator on list with the if statement
- Syntax: if ‘value’ in list:
- statement-1
List Functions:
- len() :The len() function returns the number of elements or values in the list
- max () :The max (list) function returns the element of the list with the maximum value.
- min () : The min () function returns an element from the Python list with the minimum value.
- sorted () : return list with sorted item.
List Methods:
- append () : Syntax: list.append ()
The method adds a value at the end of the list.
- extend (): list1.extend (seq) .
- Count():The count () method is used to find the occurrence of an item in a list.
- index () :The index () method is used to find the index of a particular item in a list.
- insert():Insert an item into list
–Syntax: list1.insert (index1, item)
- remove(): Remove an item from list.
- Pop(): The pop () method removes and returns the last item from the list.
l=[1,2,'yogesh'] del l[1] print(l) # Unpacking of List a,b=[10,20] print(a) # Updating List Item l[1]='vikas' print(l) # Output : [1, 'vikas'] #Updating List: Create New List l2 = ['harsh',1] l3 = l+l2 print(l3) # Output : [1, 'vikas', 'harsh', 1] # Multiplication of lists l4 = l2*2 print(l4) # Output : ['harsh', 1, 'harsh', 1] #in operator if 'harsh' in l2: print('harsh is available in list') # Output : harsh is available in list # max function listmax = [1,2,34,23,45,108,27] print(max(listmax)) # Output : 108 # Min Function print(min(listmax)) # Output : 1 # Sorted: print(sorted(listmax)) # Output : [1, 2, 23, 27, 34, 45, 108] # Len print(len(listmax)) # Output : 7 # Append- Only one item at a time listmax2=['hi','hellp'] listmax.append(listmax2) print(listmax) # Output:[1, 2, 34, 23, 45, 108, 27, ['hi', 'hellp']] # Extend Example listmax.extend(listmax2) print(listmax) #Output : [1, 2, 34, 23, 45, 108, 27, ['hi', 'hellp'], 'hi', 'hellp'] # Count Function print(listmax.count(1)) # Output =1 # Index Method newlist=['hi','hello','yogeshdotnet'] print(newlist.index('hello')) # Output = 1 # Insert Method newlist.insert(1,'bye') print(newlist) # Output : ['hi', 'bye', 'hello', 'yogeshdotnet'] # Remove Item. newlist.remove('bye') print(newlist) # Output : ['hi', 'hello', 'yogeshdotnet'] print(newlist.pop()) # Output: yogeshdotnet print(newlist) # Output : ['hi', 'hello']