Java frames plays important role of GUI creation as we know that it is a old concept which was introduced in Java 1.0 but the concept of Java frames can be used in swings so that here I am taking a very simple example of Java frames . I am taking radio buttonsm list, text field and level and arranged them into a frame I hope you will like this blog.
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; //Extends Frame to create frame class object class MainClass extends Frame { MainClass() { //Create new label with text enter your name Label l1=new Label("Enter User Name"); //Set Location of Label l1.setBounds(30, 50, 100, 30); //Set Layout of frame setLayout(null); //Create New Text Field TextField t1=new TextField(); //Set Position of TextField into frame t1.setBounds(140,50,100,30); //Create ListBox and make enable multiple selection using second argument of List COnstructor List list1=new List(1, true); list1.add("Rajasthan"); list1.add("UP"); list1.add("MP"); list1.setBounds(30,155,100,100); add(list1); //To Create Radio button in frame , first we create CheckboxGroup then we will add checkbox and pass reference of checkboxgroup to create single selection of radio button from list of radio button CheckboxGroup cg=new CheckboxGroup(); Checkbox cb1=new Checkbox("male",cg,false); Checkbox cb2=new Checkbox("female",cg,false); cb1.setBounds(30,250,100,30); cb2.setBounds(150,250,100,30); add(cb1); add(cb2); //Add Window Listner event this.addWindowListener(new window()); add(l1); add(t1); setSize(600,600); setVisible(true); setBackground(; } public static void main(String[] args) { MainClass obj=new MainClass(); } } //Create Window Closing event handler class window implements WindowListener { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { //Come Out from system System.exit(0); } }