- Run Project Using Command Prompt.
- Create Folder in D Drive
- Create file app.ts
- Open Command Prompt ,Reach upto File
- Write Following Command : tsc app.ts
- It will create an js file(app.js)
- Run File : node app.js
Variable declaration in typescript:
Variable Declared in Method of any Class and outside the class Always declared using var keyword.
Example: var num5: number = 10;
Class Variable declare without var keyword.
- num1: number = 10;
- name: string = “CEG”;
- name2: string = “CEG123”;
class Greeter { num1: number = 10; name: string = "CEG"; name2: string = "CEG123"; getcontent(): void { alert('Class Function'); } sethtmlvalue(ctrlid: string, text: string): any { var e1: HTMLElement = document.getElementById(ctrlid); var num5: number = 10; e1.innerText = text; } } window.onload = () => { var gobj = new Greeter(); //alert(gobj.name); var c: number = 10; var d: string = "Yogesh"; //alert(gobj.num1); gobj.getcontent(); gobj.sethtmlvalue('content', "This is Dynamic Value"); }; //function myfun() { // alert('hello'); //} //var myfun = () => { // alert('hello from myfun'); //}