Hiding of Base Class member variable from sub class in java
- If a super class and sub class have members with the same name then super class members are still inherited but they are hidden by the member of sub class.
- We can access them by qualifying with keyword super.
class ParentClass { int x; public void setx(int a) { x=a; } public void show() { System.out.println("Value of x in ParentClass "+x); } } class childclass extends ParentClass { int x; public void set(int a,int b) { super.x=a; x=b; } public void show() { super.show(); System.out.println("Value of X in child class "+x); } }
public class MainClass { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub childclass obj=new childclass(); obj.set(3, 4); obj.show(); } }