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Custom html helpers in asp.net MVC 5

Custom html helpers in asp.net MVC 5

Custom html helpers can be created by extension methods. Extension method can be crated by static methods in static class. In my example I am going to create two custom html helpers for html submit button and for image.In built-in or standard html helpers there are no...
strongly typed html helpers in asp.net mvc razor

strongly typed html helpers in asp.net mvc razor

Strongly typed html helpers are introduced in MVC 2. In this kind of helpers we can generate html markup or view using model properties and lambda expression. These methods use a “Html.HelperNameFor()” naming convention. for example we have created model...
Inline HtmlHelpers in asp.net MVC 5

Inline HtmlHelpers in asp.net MVC 5

The @helper syntax within Razor enables you to easily create re-usable helper methods that can encapsulate output functionality within your view templates. They enable better code reuse, and can also facilitate more readable code. Example1 : step1. Create Controller...