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Remote attribute in asp.net mvc | examples

Remote attribute in asp.net mvc | examples

Remote attribute in asp.net MVC What is Remote Attribute make a remote server call to validate specific data without posting the entire form to the server Remote is an attribute of data annotation Used for validation at model class in MVC. Implemented with the use of...
Inline HTML Helper at Advanced Level

Inline HTML Helper at Advanced Level

Inline HTML Helper at Advanced Level Example1: Simple Example of Inline HTML Helper Controller Action public ActionResult InlineHTMLHelper() { return View(); } View: @helper mylist(string[] arr) { foreach (string data in arr) { @data } } @mylist(new string[] {...
Ajax.BeginForm In ASP.NET MVC

Ajax.BeginForm In ASP.NET MVC

Ajax.BeginForm In ASP.NET MVC Two Example , First for Simple Ajax form and second for ajax form with loading gif file. Controller Action public ActionResult AjaxFormExample() { return View(); } Note: To implement ajax.begin form to jquery and jquery .ajax.unbrustive...