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C# 9.0 new pattern matching feature

C# 9.0 new pattern matching feature What is Pattern Matching checks if a value has a certain shape. C# 9.0 Introduce relational patterns like >,=,= 1983} VendorDOB1983) { // Use the VendorDOB1983 variable here } using System; namespace ConsoleApp13 { class Program {...

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what is docker

Understanding docker What is Virtualization Virtualization is the way of exposing a part of a physical machine as a logical or virtual machine that works enough like an original machine that supports the installation of complete operating systems, filesystems, and all...

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How to install React JS on windows

How to install React JS on windows First Install Node js and NPM(NPM installed along with Node JS) Write following command to create react tool Npm i –g create-react-app Now create new react project using create react app tool into any location of your pc...

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Environment setup of React Native

Environment setup of React Native : Two Options : Expo – React Native Cli Install Expo- CLi : npm i –g expo-cli Check Version : expo –version Create New App : expo init projectname We have a file with the name app.js which is the entry file for react native app. We...

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ASP.NET Core 2.0 project structure

Default files in an ASP.NET Core project You have probably noticed by now that your empty project is not entirely empty, and does, in fact, include a couple of files: Program.cs: This is the entry point of the application. It loads configuration, initiates the logging...

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Routing in ASP.NET Core 2.2

Routing in ASP.NET Core 2.2 ASP.NET Core routing is a way by which we can create named routes to call controllers and their respective actions. When a user writes any URL, the controller is called as per routes defined by the developer. In ASP.NET routing may...

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Generic Class in C# with example

Generic Class in C# Generic classes in C# was introduced in C# 2.0. A generic class is introduced for type safety. Using generics, C# class may work as a placeholder for any data type. Angle brackets are used to define generic class in C#. Good understanding of...

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