Yogesh | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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Automatic Implemented Properties in C#

        Auto-implemented properties is the new feature of C# 3.0 new feature to create property-declaration more concise. What is Property:  Property is a way to initialize the private member variables of class. We use get and set accessor to add data into variables...

Routing in MVC

What is Routing: Routes maps controllers names and their actions names. It is used to create user friendly URL.To setup startup page just like web forms. The routing system lets you create any pattern of URLs you desire and express them in a clear and concise manner....

Stored Procedure in sql server

Stored Procedure: Set of logical group of SQL statements which are grouped to perform a specific task. Benefits of Using the Stored Procedure Reduces the amount of information sent to the database server. Compilation step is required only once when the stored...

Edition in Grid View Control

In This Video tutorial I demonstrate that how we can edit content in grid view itself. GridViewEdit.aspx                                                                                                                                                            ...

Deletion in Grid View Control in ASP.NET

In this video tutorial , I demonstrate that how we can delete records from grid view controls in asp.net. I used stored Procedute for It. GridViewEx.aspx                                                                                                        ...