What is Dictionary
- a built-in data structure available in Python
- a dictionary is a sequence of key-value, or item, pairs separated by commas.
- Ex
port = {22: “SSH”, 23: “Telnet” , 53: “DNS”, 80: “HTTP” }
- . In a list, values are indexed by the range of numbers, but in a dictionary, values are indexed by keys.
- Syntax
Dictionary_name = {key: value}
Key Features:
- The key of the dictionary can not be changed
- A string, int, or float can be used as a key
- Keys are unique Values can be anything, for example, list, string, int, and so on
- Values can be repeated Values can be changed
dic1 = {'fname':20,'lname':10,'age':50} print(dic1) print(dic1['fname']) #del dic1['lname'] #print(dic1) print(max(dic1)) # Min print(min(dic1)) # Copy Method dic2=dic1.copy() print(dic2) # Two dictionary object will be created at different memory locations # Get Method print(dic1.get('fname')) # Output:20 print(dic1.get('fname1','not found')) # Output Not found # Set Value dic1.setdefault('add','pratap nagar') print(dic1) # Output: {'fname': 20, 'lname': 10, 'age': 50, 'add': 'pratap nagar'} # has key method print(dic1.keys()) # Output : dict_keys(['fname', 'lname', 'age', 'add']) # Values print(dic1.values()) # Output : dict_values([20, 10, 50, 'pratap nagar']) # Update dic3 = {'hobbies':'dancing','award':'first'} dic1.update(dic3) print(dic1) # Output : {'fname': 20, 'lname': 10, 'age': 50, 'add': 'pratap nagar', 'hobbies': 'dancing', 'award': 'first'} #Items print(dic1.items()) # Output : dict_items([('fname', 20), ('lname', 10), ('age', 50), ('add', 'pratap nagar'), ('hobbies', 'dancing'), ('award', 'first')]) # Clear Method #print('clear method output is ') #print(dic1.clear()) # Output: clear method output is #None # For Loop for k,v in dic1.items(): print('key{0}:value{1}'.format(k,v)) # Output """keyfname:value20 keylname:value10 keyage:value50 keyadd:valuepratap nagar keyhobbies:valuedancing keyaward:valuefirst"""