by Yogesh | Dec 10, 2020 | Asp .net MVC
Use of app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() in core 3.1 Hello guys in this tutorial I am telling you how we can use the default route in ASP.NET core 3.1. As we know until Core 2.2 , if we have created a home controller and index action and want to open this...
by Yogesh | Nov 17, 2020 | Asp .net MVC
How to install React JS on windows First Install Node js and NPM(NPM installed along with Node JS) Write following command to create react tool Npm i –g create-react-app Now create new react project using create react app tool into any location of your pc...
by Yogesh | Nov 4, 2020 | Firebase tutorial
Introduction of firebase, Why firebase and alternatives of the firebase. Firebase Introduction:- NoSQL cloud database with Realtime functionality Cloud-based database Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) Firebase Realtime Database comes with offline support Data stored in JSON...
by Yogesh | Oct 6, 2020 | Asp .net MVC, ASP.NET Core 2 Tutorial
Emitra Payment Gateway Integration in ASP.NET Core/MVC5/ASP.NET Web forms In this tutorial we will see that how we can integrate E Mitra payment gateway in ASP.NET aur in ASP.NET First of all you need to contact emitra office to get a new merchant ID along with...
by Yogesh | May 16, 2020 | React Native tutorial
Environment setup of React Native : Two Options : Expo – React Native Cli Install Expo- CLi : npm i –g expo-cli Check Version : expo –version Create New App : expo init projectname We have a file with the name app.js which is the entry file for react native app. We...