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LINQ CRUD in asp.net MVC using LINQ to SQL

LINQ CRUD in asp.net MVC using LINQ to SQL

LINQ CRUD in asp.net MVC using LINQ to SQL Step1. Create new Empty MVC Project Open Visual Studio->New Project->Visual C#->Web->ASP.NET Web application->Give Project Name->Select Empty Template->Check MVC Checkbox->Click OK Step 2. Now to we will add LINQ to sql...
Quantifier Operators in linq C#

Quantifier Operators in linq C#

Quantifier query operators’ works on only single input sequence and return single Boolean value. Contains  The Contains query operator evaluates the elements in the input sequence and returns true if a specified value exists.   using System; using...
Element Operators in LINQ C#

Element Operators in LINQ C#

Element Operators in LINQ C# Element operators return single value or a default value from input sequence.In this blog I am demonstrating following linq element operators. first firstordefault last lastordefault single singleordefault elementat elementatordefault...
Set Operators in LINQ C sharp with examples

Set Operators in LINQ C sharp with examples

Set Operators in LINQ C# Set operators take  two inputs , that can be array, list, collection etc and able to generate single output. Set query operators: Concat Union Distinct Intersect Except Let me discuss them one by one Concat As it names says all the words about...