Angular 11 with Typescript
Angular helps build interactive and dynamic single page applications (SPAs) with its compelling features including templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling. Designers can use HTML as template language and even extend HTML’ syntax to easily convey the components of the application.
You don’t need to rely on third-party libraries to build dynamic applications with Angular. Using this framework in your projects, you can reap multiple benefits.
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In this training you will learn following things:-
- Core & Advanced TypeScript
- Angular 11
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- Angular 11 Introduction
- Getting Started
- Development Environment
- Angular 4 Architecture & Concepts
- Component & Modules
- Components Overview
- Angular Modules
- Basic Components
- Application Bootstrapping
- Component LifeCycle
- Data Binding
- One-Way Data Binding
- Interpolation
- Property Binding
- @ViewChild & @ViewChildren
- Event Binding
- Special Bindings
- Two-way Data binding
- ngModel
- Modules & Component Composition
- Component Input Properties
- Event Emitters
- Component Output Properties
- Custom Events
- Services & Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection in Angular 11
- The injectable Decorator
- Services & Providers
- RxJS & Observables Overview
- Making Http Requests
- Handling Http Responses
- Error Handling
- Angular Routing
- Routing Configuration
- Router Directive
- . NodeJS and ExpressJS
- Introduction and Foundation
- Node Projects
- Working with shrink-wrap to lock the node modules versions
Working with asynchronous programming - Building a HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs
File System - Buffers, Streams, and Events
- Multi-Processing in NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Express JS with MongoDB and Sqlite
-, The Front-end, and A Chat App
- Introduction to Task Managers with unit testing
- Introduction to NoSQL databases
- MongoDB A Database for the Modern Web
- CRUD Operations in MongoDB
- Indexing and Aggregation
- Replication and Sharding
- Developing Node JS Application with MongoDB