Generic Class in C#
Generic classes in C# was introduced in C# 2.0. A generic class is introduced for type safety. Using generics, C# class may work as a placeholder for any data type. Angle brackets are used to define generic class in C#. Good understanding of generics is necessary to understand various designing patterns.
Here we can see a very simple example of generic.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace CSharp_Test { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { myclass obj = new myclass { id = 1, name = "yogesh" }; List<myclass> obj1 = new List<myclass> { new myclass{ id=1, name="yogesh" }, new myclass{ id=2, name="yogesh1" }, new myclass{ id=3, name="yogesh2" } }; genclass<int> obj5 = new genclass<int>(20); Console.WriteLine("Generic Variable is "+obj5.genvariable); genclass<string> obj6 = new genclass<string>("ceg123"); Console.WriteLine("Generic Variable is with string " + obj6.genvariable); genclass<myclass> classobj = new genclass<myclass>(new myclass { id=12, name = "Vikas Sharma" }); Console.WriteLine("Generic Variable of class is with string " +" "; foreach (var obj2 in obj1) { Console.WriteLine(; } Console.ReadLine(); } } class myclass { public string name; public int id; } public class genclass<T> { public T genvariable; public genclass(T value) { this.genvariable = value; } public T generimethod() { return this.genvariable; } } }
Generics classes are used for code reusability. T is used as a placeholder. It improves the performance of the program due to the unavailability of boxing and unboxing.