Angular 5 with type Script Training
The angular framework was introduced by Google. Nowadays angularJS is one of the most popular client-side javascript frameworks for single page web application development. Angular. Angular uses typescript language which is the superset of Javascript also known as ES6. Using type script Google enhances the features of Javascript like classes, strongly typed language, interface, inheritance, constructor etc. This training program is designed as per industry needs and industry demand, after completion of this training student will able to work as a freelancer and able to work on offshore projects. The student may also take classroom training in CEG(Centre for electronic governance)
Inquiry Form
The angular framework was introduced by Google. Nowadays angularJS is one of the most popular client-side javascript frameworks for single page web application development. Angular. Angular uses typescript language which is the superset of Javascript also known as ES6. Using type script Google enhances the features of Javascript like classes, strongly typed language, interface, inheritance, constructor etc. This training program is designed as per industry needs and industry demand, after completion of this training student will able to work as a freelancer and able to work on offshore projects. The student may also take classroom training in CEG(Centre for electronic governance) jhalana doongri Jaipur. Online training is given only for those students who are not able to reside in Jaipur or working professional.
- Angular 5 Introduction
- Getting Started
- Development Environment
- Angular 5 Architecture & Concepts
- Component & Modules
- Components Overview
- Angular Modules
- Basic Components
- Application Bootstrapping
- Component LifeCycle
- Data Binding
- One-Way Data Binding
- Interpolation
- Property Binding
- Event Binding
- Special Bindings
- Two-way Data binding
- ngModel
- Modules & Component Composition
- Component Input Properties
- Event Emitters
- Component Output Properties
- Custom Events
- Services & Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection in Angular 5
- The injectable Decorator
- Services & Providers
- RxJS & Observables Overview
- Making Http Requests
- Handling Http Responses
- Error Handling
- Angular Routing
- Routing Configuration
- Router Directive