Use of app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() in core 3.1
Use of app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() in core 3.1 Hello guys in this tutorial I am telling you how we can use the default route in ASP.NET core 3.1. As we know until Core 2.2 , if we have created a home controller and index action and want to open this...
How to install React JS on windows
How to install React JS on windows First Install Node js and NPM(NPM installed along with Node JS) Write following command to create react tool Npm i –g create-react-app Now create new react project using create react app tool into any location of your pc...
Introduction of firebase , Why firebase and alternatives of firebase.
Introduction of firebase, Why firebase and alternatives of the firebase. Firebase Introduction:- NoSQL cloud database with Realtime functionality Cloud-based database Backend-as-a-service (BaaS) Firebase Realtime Database comes with offline support Data stored in JSON...
Emitra Payment Gateway Integration in ASP.NET Core/MVC5/ASP.NET Web forms
Emitra Payment Gateway Integration in ASP.NET Core/MVC5/ASP.NET Web forms In this tutorial we will see that how we can integrate E Mitra payment gateway in ASP.NET aur in ASP.NET First of all you need to contact emitra office to get a new merchant ID along with...