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Inner Joins in LINQ with example

Joins in LINQ Join clause: Join take two inputs compare and join them and gives single output sequence. As it compares two input sequence so that It is necessary that both inputs should have some common values. To check equability LINQ uses equals method. Join Types:...

Jquery Unbind Method Example

To remove standard handlers or custom handlers, we simply pass the unbind() method the handler name or custom handler name that needs to be removed jQuery('a').unbind('click'). If no parameters are passed to unbind(), it will remove all   handlers attached to an...

Jquery Bind Method with example

Jquery have various inbuilt method which can be triggered as per user action. Bind method is also in one of them. using bind method we can register a function on a DOM element. Basic syntax of Bind method is  bind(eventType, function) eventType: Java Script Event Name...