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Inline HtmlHelpers in asp.net MVC 5

Inline HtmlHelpers in asp.net MVC 5

The @helper syntax within Razor enables you to easily create re-usable helper methods that can encapsulate output functionality within your view templates. They enable better code reuse, and can also facilitate more readable code. Example1 : step1. Create Controller...

CSS3 Introduction and Selectors

CSS3 Introduction and Selectors

CSS3 is based on CSS 2.1 specification and is completely backward compatible with CSS2. The old specification of CSS2.1 was becoming too large and complex to update as one unit, hence development of CSS3 specification is split up into Modules. Modules can evolve...

How to take all database backup in sql server

How to take all database backup in sql server

Generally we face a problem when we want to upgrade our sql server management studio version , all the databases are lost. To take all database backup one by one is completely irritating. To overcome this irritating job , our sql provides a great solution to take all...

angular services tutorial with examples

angular services tutorial with examples

There are various inbuilt services in angular like $location, $timeout, $root-Scope etc.The main benifit of these service components are that they hold some inbuilt logic that's required at multiple points within our application. Although services and factories are...