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local storage and session storage in HTML5

local storage and session storage in HTML5

HTML5 web storage is a local storage in client environment and it is a better than cookies. Unlike the cookie storage limitation of 4KB, we can store up to 10 megabytes in HTML5 local storage. 1. Web storage is the most secured and faster way of storing information in...

Introduction of REST Service

Introduction of REST Service

Introduction of REST Services We can define Representational State Transfer (REST) as an architectural style that sits on top of a series of principles. ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients,...

Entity framework conventions

Entity framework conventions

Entity framework conventions when we use entity framework in our application, there are some predefined conventions of entity framework for example primary key EF convention means we defined a primary key in a model class then model mapped database table with a auto...