angular 2|4|5|6|7 cascade dropdown example
In this tutorial, I am gonna discuss that how we can create cascade dropdowns using arrays in angular. Step1: First I will create a model.ts file to declare and define the model for program export class Department { id: number; name: string; } export class employee {...
Writing a CRUD app with Node.js and MongoDB
npm init npm install express --save npm install mongodb --save npm install mongoose --save npm install cors --save npm install nodemone --save npm install body-parser --save var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; var ProductSchema = new...
building rest api with node.js and express
Step 1: Create a Node application and install dependencies. npm init npm install --save express npm install --save body-parser npm install --save underscore npm install --save nodemon Step 2: Create a movies.json file and add following code. [{ "Id": "1", "Title":...
Express JS Static files serving
Initial command to start a new node application. npm init npm install express --save Create folders public, images, and styles in the application. Index.js var express = require('Express'); var path = require('path'); var app = express();...