angular 4 providers example – How to create custom class and add reference into component | Angular | ASP.NET Tutorials

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In this article, I am going to demonstrate that how we can use angular providers to add custom class and its properties and functions into another component.


Step1: First we will create a new typescript file with “.ts” extension which represents our custom class.

// we have to export keywork before class name because we will use this class into extenal component
export class myemp {
    empname: string;
    empsalary: number;
    address : string;   

Step 2: Create a new component “useclass”.

ng g c useclass

Step 3: add the following code into useclass.component.ts.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
// add reference of custom class
import { myemp } from '../models/emp';

  selector: 'app-useclass',
  templateUrl: './useclass.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./useclass.component.css'],
  // Add providers and pass reference of myemp  class
  providers: [myemp]
export class UseclassComponent implements OnInit {
// create object of newly added class
  constructor(public empobj :  myemp) { }
ename: string;
esalary: number;
address: string;
  ngOnInit() {
    // initilze myemp class properties and assign into component properties
 this.ename =   this.empobj.empname ='Yogesh Sharma';
    this.empobj.empsalary = 1000;
    this.empobj.address='Pratap Nagar , Jaipur';
// this.ename = this.empobj.empname;
this.esalary = this.empobj.empsalary;
this.address = this.empobj.address;


Step 4: add the following code into useclass.component.html.

  useclass works!
<span>{{ ename }}</span>
<span>{{ esalary }}</span>
<span>{{ address }}</span>

Step 5: Add reference of the useclass component into app.component.html

<div style="text-align:center">
    Welcome to {{ title }}!

Step 6: Run program code

ng serve --open
